TNS Beaconhouse was the first school in Pakistan to introduce the Reggio Emilia Approach and it is the overarching philosophy that guides our project-based learning and International Baccalaureate Programme.
The Reggio Emilia Approach is a holistic philosophy to both teaching and learning, based on the principle of learning by doing where children must be facilitated in exploring their world through a certain level of control over the direction of their learning. The arts are viewed as a means of expression for children and integrated as a learning tool for their overall development and understanding of their experiences.
Great emphasis is placed on the interrelationship between parents, teachers, and the immediate environment. They work together for a common purpose – to create a learning culture that respects every child as a thinking and competent individual, capable of participating in his or her own learning not just at school but also at home.
The child’s physical environment, often called the “third teacher,” holds significant importance in Reggio Emilia. Carefully structured, it becomes a valuable source of learning with settings that offer opportunities, encourage exploration, communication, and the formation of relationships. Within this environment, cooperation and healthy debate thrive, nurturing essential skills and social development.

At TNS Beaconhouse we believe that children learn best when they are left to explore and discover, encouraged to ask questions and seek answers through guided inquiry. Project-Based Learning (PBL) builds on problem-solving, communication, questioning, student interaction and most importantly their natural curiosity, putting students at the helm of the learning process. It engages and sustains their interest, ensuring a deeper understanding of concepts. So, instead of learning a set of predetermined and contextualised information, students will acquire knowledge and skills that build upon their own experiences. PBL extends beyond the classroom to every student’s home, community, nation and eventually the world.
The approach also ties in well with the overarching philosophy of Reggio Emilia and the shared principles of learning by doing. PBL maintains the balance for students to understand and learn real life skills which create the basis for their preparation for a rigorous IB programme.

TNS Beaconhouse is an IB World School, authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization to offer its programmes. This status is given to schools that adhere to the rigorous standards and philosophies set by the IB.
Such a system is ideally suited to students who have been engaged in Project-Based Learning as it emphasizes critical thinking, global perspectives, and a commitment to making a positive impact on society. As an IB world School, TNS Beaconhouse encourages inquiry, reflection, and an understanding of different cultures, helping students become responsible, empathetic, and well-rounded global citizens.
The International Baccalaureate is administered from The Hague. Further information can be obtained by visiting their website

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) is a natural progression for the project-based approach since the very early years at TNS Beaconhouse. IB MYP provides a framework of academic challenges for students from 11 to 16 years of age (years 6 – 10). These academic challenges, rooted in progressive educational thinking, encourage students to embrace and understand the connections between theory and practice.
Assessment in MYP & is criterion-related, therefore students around the world are measured against pre-specified criteria for each subject group. Teachers may modify these criteria to be age-appropriate in the earlier years of the programme. Teachers set assessment tasks that are assessed internally in the school. External checks (either moderation or monitoring of assessment by IB examiners) are carried out on this internal assessment in the final year to ensure a worldwide consistency of standards. For schools that require official IB certification for their students, moderation is carried out every year.
For more information visit the IB MYP OFFICIAL Website

The Diploma Programme (DP) is for students aged 16 to 19 (years 11 – 12) and is increasingly the preferred entrance qualification for universities around the world. The IBDP provides opportunities for students to develop their potential, explore their own learning preferences, take appropriate risks, and reflect on and develop a strong sense of personal identity in both local and global contexts.
IB DP Curriculum
The IB and TNS Beaconhouse share a common ambition: to develop distinctive, high quality programmes of education to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students and to nurture inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people.
Over the course of the two-year programme, students will:
- Study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups
- Complete an Extended Essay
- Participate in a Theory of Knowledge course (TOK)
- Participate in Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
TNS Beaconhouse also holds Accreditation by MSA CESS, a worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement.
For more information visit
The American High School Diploma is the basic US qualification awarded to students who graduate from secondary school after 12 years of formal instruction. High school diplomas are issued by the school to school graduates. The American high school secondary education is divided into two phases:
Middle School: 6th – 8th Grade
High School: 9th – 12th Grade
The School will set a minimum requirement for how many years of various mandatory subjects are required in order to be awarded the American High School Diploma. These requirements include completion of 3-4 years of each of the common core subject groups over Grade 9 – Grade12.